Educational psychology for parents and schools
Who are you?
A parent or carer who:
- has a child who is worried about attending school.
- has a child with autism, ADHD or other special educational need that is causing them difficulties in school.
- wants to better understand your child's needs.
- wants to work with school staff to find ways to make life easier or happier for your child in school.
A school or academy trust who:
- wants to empower their staff to better support children with SEND through training, consultation, assessment, solution circles or supervision.
- is interested in ELSA training.

Who am I?
Hi, I'm Nicky Odgers, an educational psychologist, based in Cambridge, UK. I used to work as a senior educational psychologist for a Local Authority and in May 2023 set up as an independent educational psychologist working in private practice. I have a particular interest in supporting children experiencing social and emotional difficulties, especially those who anxious about attending school.
When I worked at the Local Authority I led a project developing county wide guidance for schools and parents to support children with emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA). I also led and oversaw the introduction of ELSA training, with nearly 200 ELSAs being trained in the first 2 years.
I originally trained as a secondary teacher at the University of Cambridge, before completing my educational psychology professional qualification at UCL in 2000. I've been extensively involved in school governance since 2008, which means I have a detailed knowledge of school systems and how these can be used to support children experiencing difficulties. More recently, I studied for an MEd in Education Leadership and School Improvement at Cambridge University and was awarded a Distinction.
Are you the parent of a child who is anxious about school? Are you unsure how best to support them?
If so, download my free guide that covers:
- what to talk about with your child.
- what to say to school staff.
- how to respond if your child is angry, worried or distressed in the morning.
- signposting to other helpful resources.
- where to get additional support.